Favs and Comments New policy and Thank You so v

9 min read

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starlight2infinity's avatar
Update :

Well I hope everybody had a
Great Thanksgiving in the US of A

I got me my very own a cookie :w00t: :aww: THANK YOU ELLEN !!! :iconvaledhelven: Valedhelven
I :love: you Ellen :heart:
even if I am a turkey :iconturkeyplz:  :rofl: :icondeathhugplz: :blowkiss: :aww: your so sweet!!!!! :huggle: :iconbackhug:
I :heart: it :D

:iconstarlight2infinity03::iconstarlight2infinity04:...I have now been immortalized in cookie dough! :giggle:

Its Raining Cookies :iconcookienomplz:


Hi All :)

This my sound a bit wooh is me but I justed wanted to post it so everybody know and understands why

Well as you all would have noticed I haven't been running around thanking everybody for the :+fav: but concentrating more on replies
and art

Well over much agonizing about how best to do this I have decided the following;

The Thank you for :+fav:s (& runs) will be in the art it self

Know I do appreciated :+fav:s & comments very much & thank you all deeply for them

Comments will be answered as soon as I can

(basically ASAP)

for the reasons and why I decided this read on.

I guess this really is down to the fact that we all have so many Hours in a day and when I, you first come on DA
you dont know people so you dont tend to have much of a work load in regard to favs thank you and notes etc

but as you acquire a bigger watcher and watching base it just become harder and harder to remain polite and thankful to those around you
It is best I think to be polite and thank people and comment their art but as it grows we start to just "fav and run" a lot of art
its not that it doest deserve a comment but that the time allotted just diminishes
for doing it

I found myself just alway deciding am I going to do art or answer comments or do thank you's.
When I come on so it become a hard choice

Sadly too DA is not over conducive to organizing whom faved what and when ..you have go slowly through each page.
to sort whom faved what when

But when you have like 600 after a 2~3 weeks
It becomes a terrible nightmare to work thorough.

I think a few just loose interest because of having to be polite and leave DA

But rather then that I am going to do the not so polite thing and Leave the
Thank you for the Fav
on the Art to those that fav & run

I am fine with "fave and runs"
and I still view them as a great comment to say "I liked your art"
and I am very appreciative of them

but sadly finding my self doing more and more cause I just dont have the time to comment them like I want to and use to

I am hoping by going this way it will free more time to do what I am here for
Produce art, look at & comment art, poem stories.
(of which I have very little time to read :( )

So I know some my find that idea not to their liking but trust me when you start spending 4 hour or more sorting through and getting
confused on who you have and who you haven't it become a nightmare (I think DA dont help here either as I am sure there are ones I did thank that reshow up..on the list...)

I suppose the argument is do them each day but them you have to be on each day and then it means people have to thank you for every one loaded which takes thier time up
so to me nope I use to do that and I tried to cut it down a bit by allowing a few days to build up so I could thank them once
but its become so time consuming
So I an going with the orginal idea and that is doing art and looking at art & commenting

It doesn't mean I wont thank people individually at times and I will endeavor to answer all comments asap.

Just that I am going treat it more as when I can & feel like it, have the time to
rather then feeling I have to..and by not doing so are letting people down.
(which I do feel)

Also I haven't even mention the real life with live with its many responsibilities that must take precedence.

Well Hope that makes sense and
I do Thank you all for the :+fav:s & comments, they are very very great fully received and appreciated :huggle: :heart: :rose:

As you my notice my subs is about to run out I am deciding if to extend it or not
(basically how much $ on a conversion to US)

but I would like to say a
Very big special thank you to Margo  
:iconseekingmysoul: seekingmysoul M Escamillo

Whom out of the goodness of her :heart:
Gave me a 3 months sub for my Birthday
Thank you dear..:huggle: :heart:

DJ :)

I'll have to add more news later on contest etc as I haven't had a chance to check on them :(

Nov 21 2009

© 2009 - 2024 starlight2infinity
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seekingmysoul's avatar
ok with so much talent someone out thee create a stamp that says Thanks 4 :+fav: and then give it to me ....lol or pass it around in a news alert so all can use? hmmmm ok no is speaking...I feel alone! lol